The Howard Partnership Trust


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people is everyone's responsibility. The Howard Partnership Trust Schools are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and we expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment: 

The Trust's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy can be seen on each THPT school website and on the Published Policies page

Parents' Pack for PANTS message 
The TV advert directs parents to the NSPCC PANTS campaign, used in schools for many years. There is now a pack for parents to use, to encourage them to have a conversation that many might feel uncomfortable about having. Information is also available for children with a hearing impairment. The link to the parents’ PANTS pack is here:

The Marie Collins Foundation, in association with NWG have produced the following information for both professionals and parents.

Professionals - This guide has been developed to address challenges professionals face when working with issues of online harm and young people.

Professionals guide - spread version.

Parents - How can I help my child?  This booklet will help you find information about what online harm is and ways you can effectively help and support your child.